Prayer Page

Reaching Unimaginable Destinations

The Bible we read is a book of hope. The hope it gives us is not moderate, average or normal. It doesn’t inspire us toward the status quo, to merely survive and get by. The hope of God’s Word is expressed in powerful promises that lead to unimaginable results from God’s own hand. That hope leads us to destinations far beyond our wildest expectations.

Developing a Habit of Prayer

David Wilkerson (1931-2011)

“When you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret, will reward you openly” (Matthew 6:6).

When Jesus speaks of going into a secret place to seek the Father, he is talking about something much greater than a physical closet. He is referring to any place where you can be alone with him in intimate communion.

How Should We Pray?

Rachel Chimits

Many Christians may feel that they “don’t pray well,” but this begs the question of what we actually mean when we say that and how can we grow into a people of prayer.

In his sermons, David Wilkerson focused on common issues that trouble the hearts of many believers, and he pointed out a deep and disconcerting problem with prayer in more than one.

The Power and Simplicity of Prayer

Pastor Carter Conlon of Times Square Church talks about the incredible power of prayer, misconceptions about prayer, the strange difficulty and the true simplicity of prayer.

Daniel Had A Window

Carter Conlon

When humanity wants to be its own God and government desires to become “god” to the people, they will attempt to pass laws against prayer. As Christians, we must not let the window of prayer be closed even for one day. It’s time to pray and press into the power of God because He desires to show us His willingness to be merciful.